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We get it. We’re a corporate company that promotes deals to encourage consumers to buy more and more products, which in turn fuels mass consumption. We’re fully aware of the environmental and societal effects this can cause.

So, rather than turn a blind eye to it, we’re working to take our corporate responsibility seriously and use our profits for good.

Not only do we donate 50% of our revenue to fund organizations making a difference, but we also aim to change the market as a whole.

As climate change and environmental disasters continue to negatively affect our planet, we want to use our financial resources to address these challenges - to find ways to use our influence and power to help others.

We’ve identified 3 causes that Coupons4Real believes in and will work to fund and support by donating 50% of our revenue.

Climate Catastrophe and Mass Consumption

Look, we know there’s a disconnect here. We’re speaking so much about climate change and our efforts to stop it, but at the same time, the core of our business is promoting coupons and encouraging mass consumption.

We know this situation is wild and different - but this is why we want to shake things up in the market. By donating our revenue to sustainable organizations, we can use this financial power to protect our planet.

We’re also committed to using our corporate power to encourage you, the consumer, to avoid working with fast fashion or unethical brands and instead shop at sustainable businesses that use more ethical tactics to source their products.

Understanding the importance of corporate social responsibility helps us improve our societal impact.

By implementing marketing strategies that support circular economy initiatives, we can use our deals to promote businesses that sell long-lasting products that can be refurbished, shared, and reused, so you can consume goods and services that help build a more sustainable environment and reduce waste.

Media and Democracy

After spending over 10 years in the coupon space and collaborating with media outlets and publishers, we believe in strong democratic principles. This is where our heritage lies.

Many studies show that when rural and regional newspapers and publications die out or are bought out, extremism and polarization can rise swiftly.

We believe in a healthy democracy, where people are tolerant and learn to respect others’ opinions.

Nowadays, when information is a driving force for economic growth, disinformation is steadily becoming something we need to actively combat.

This is why we support organizations that fight to keep our democracy alive and to truthfully inform the public by clarifying complicated issues and providing the people with the ability to make informed decisions.

Poverty and Wealth Distribution

We believe in the power of markets, but also the social aspect of markets. Fighting poverty is another key way we can use our financial power and resources for good.

Right now, income is a hugely influential factor in everyone’s lives - it determines the level of healthcare people receive, the education students have access to, or the quality of food people can provide their families.

Inequality in wealth and income has grown exponentially over the past few decades, making it crucial to fund organizations focusing on wealth redistribution and fighting income inequality to improve the lives and health of others around us.

The Coupons4Real Business Model

So, why the heck are we running our business model this way?

It’s clear there are some weaknesses to a strategy that involves using mass consumption to fund other ethical and sustainable organizations - and we totally get that.

But we also see the benefits of this model.

By using our financial and corporate power, we can provide consumers with better options on companies that align with our ethical standards so customers can make more informed purchasing decisions for longer-lasting, responsibly sourced, and sustainable products.

Using our business to help customers get a good deal and support causes that are meaningful and make a difference? Uhhh sign us up!

We want to redefine the couponing game, not by playing dirty, but maybe by doing it a bit differently than how it’s traditionally been done. We’re here to shake things up - by using our corporate power and market expertise to help others and make a real difference.

Because we believe everybody deserves a great deal.